by admin | May 18, 2021 | Research
Describing functional diversity of brain regions and brain networks. Michael L. Anderson, Josh Kinnison, and Luiz Pessoa. NeuroImage. 2013 June; 73:50-8. Abstract In the current functional MRI study, we investigated interactions between reward and threat processing....
by admin | May 18, 2021 | Research
Pervasive competition between threat and reward in the brain. Jong Moon Choi, Srikanth Padmala, Philip Spechler and Luiz Pessoa.Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.June 2014. Abstract In the current functional MRI study, we investigated interactions between...
by admin | May 18, 2021 | Research
Reward learning and negative emotion during rapid attentional competition Takemasa Yokoyama, Srikanth Padmala, and Luiz Pessoa. Front Psychol., February 2015. Learned stimulus-reward associations influence how attention is allocated, such that stimuli rewarded in the...