2025 Publications

Disentangling value, arousal and valence systems in approach-avoidance behaviors in humans using functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Dinavahi VPS, Murty,. Pessoa, Luiz (2025). Disentangling value, arousal and valence systems in approach-avoidance behaviors in humans using functional magnetic resonance imaging. bioRxiav.
Where are anxiety and personality in the brain?
Pessoa, L. (2025) Where are anxiety and personality in the brain? Motivation Science, 11(1), 22-23.
Brain dynamics and spatiotemporal trajectories during threat processing
Misra, J., & Pessoa, L. (2025). Brain dynamics and spatiotemporal trajectories during threat processing. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology, 2024.04.06.588389.
2024 Publications

Multimodal measures of spontaneous brain activity reveal both common and divergent patterns of cortical functional organization
Vafaii, H., Mandino, F., Desrosiers-Grégoire, G., O’Connor, D., Markicevic, M., Shen, X., Ge, X., Herman, P., Hyder, F., Papademetris, X., Chakravarty, M., Crair, M. C., Constable, R. T., Lake, E. M. R., & Pessoa, L. (2024). Multimodal measures of spontaneous brain activity reveal both common and divergent patterns of cortical functional organization. Nature communications, 15(1), 229.

The tip of the iceberg: A call to embrace anti-localizationism in human neuroscience research
Noble, S., Curtiss, J., Pessoa, L., & Scheinost, D. (2024). The tip of the iceberg: A call to embrace anti-localizationism in human neuroscience research. Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1-10.

The Spiraling Cognitive–Emotional Brain: Combinatorial, Reciprocal, and Reentrant Macro-organization
Pessoa L. (2024). The Spiraling Cognitive-Emotional Brain: Combinatorial, Reciprocal, and Reentrant Macro-organization. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 36(12), 2697–2711.

Noncortical cognition integration of information for close-proximity behavioral problem-solving
Pessoa L. (2024). Noncortical cognition: integration of information for close-proximity behavioral problem-solving. Current opinion in behavioral sciences, 55, 101329.
Beyond networks, towards adaptive systems
Pessoa, L. (2024). Beyond networks, towards adaptive systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.03621..
2023 Publications

Threat and reward imminence processing in the human brain
V. P. S. Murty, D,. Song, S,. Surampudi, G, S., Pessoa, L., (2023) Threat and reward imminence processing in the human brain.

How many brain regions are needed to elucidate the neural bases of fear and anxiety?
Pessoa, L., (2023). How many brain regions are needed to elucidate the neural bases of fear and anxiety?. Neuroscience & Biobehavoiral Reviews. 146.

The Entangled Brain
Pessoa, L., (2023). The Entangled Brain. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 35(3). 349-360.

Disentangling Some Conceptual Knots
L. Pessoa., (2023). Disentangling Some Conceptual Knots. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 35(3). 391-395.

Mind as Motion: Patterns of Psychology to Neurobiology
Hipolito, I., van Geert, P. Pessoa, L., (2023). Mind as Motion: Patterns of Psychology to Neurobiology. Psycharix.
What can plant science learn from animal nervous system?
Pessoa, L., (2023). What can plant science learn from animal nervous system?. Animal Sentience 33(6).
Modeling emotion to enable intelligent behavior in robots.
Marwen Belkaid, Luiz Pessoa. Modeling emotion to enable intelligent behavior in robots. Intellectica – La revue de l’Association pour la Recherche sur les sciences de la Cognition (ARCo), 2023, Viaud-Delmon Isabelle, Chapouthier Georges (Eds), Au-delà de la cognition, les émotions, 79, pp.109-128.
The Spiraling Cognitive-Emotional Brain: Combinatorial, Reciprocal, and Reentrant Macro-organization
Pessoa L. The Spiraling Cognitive-Emotional Brain: Combinatorial, Reciprocal, and Reentrant Macro-organization. J Cogn Neurosci. 1;36(12):2697-2711.
2022 Publications
Distributed and Multifaceted Effects of Threat and Safety
Dinavahi V. P. S. Murty, Songtao Song, Kelly Morrow, Jongwan Kim, Kesong Hu, Luiz Pessoa; Distributed and Multifaceted Effects of Threat and Safety. J Cogn Neurosci 2022
Multimodal measures of spontaneous brain activity reveals bothcommon and divergent patterns of cortical functional organization
Refocusing neuroscience: moving awayfrom mental categories and towardscomplex behaviours
Controversies and progress on standardization of large-scale brain network nomenclature
Uddin, L. Q., Betzel, R. F., Cohen, J. R., Damoiseaux, J. S., De Brigard, F., Eickhoff, S., … Spreng, R. N. (2022, March 8).
Emergent processes in cognitive-emotionalinteractions
(2010). Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience
A call for more clarity around causality in neuroscience
David L. Barack, Earl K. Miller, Christopher I. Moore, Adam M. Packer, Luiz Pessoa, Lauren N. Ross, and Nicole C. Rust (2022). Trends in Neurosciences.
The Entangled Brain
Luiz Pessoa (2022). MIT Press
2021 Publications
How representative are neuroimaging samples? Large-scale evidence for trait anxiety differences between fMRI and behaviour-only research participants
Charpentier, CJ; Faulkner, P; Pool, ER; Ly, V; Tollenaar, MS; Kluen, LM; Fransen, A; … O’Doherty, JP; (2021), Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16, 1057-1070.
To pool or not to pool: Can we ignore cross-trial variability in FMRI?
Gang Chen, Srikanth Padmala, Yi Chen, Paul A. Taylor, Robert W. Cox, Luiz Pessoa (2021), NeuroImage.
Geodesic distance on optimally regularized functional connectomes uncovers individual fingerprints
Kausar Abbas, Mintao Liu, Manasij Venkatesh, Enrico Amico, Alan David Kaplan, Mario Ventresca, Luiz Pessoa, Jaroslaw Harezlak, Joaquín Goñi (2021), Brain Connectivity, 11, 333-348.
Lessons from Leslie: A tribute to an extrodinary scientist and mentor
Elizabeth A Buffalo, Susan M Courtney, Peter De Weerd, Julien Doyon, Yang Jiang, Avi Karni, Sabine Kastner, Luiz Pessoa, Andrew Rossi (2021), Trends in Neurosciences, 44, 241-243.
Refocusing neuroscience: moving away from mental categories and towards complex behaviours
Pessoa, L., Medina, L., & Desfilis, E. (2021), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
Controllability over stressor decreases responses in key threat-related brain areas
Chriag Limbachia, Kelly Morrow, Anastasiia Khibovska, Christian Meyer, Srikanth Padmala, and Luiz Pessoa (2021),
Communication Biology.
Distributed and multifaceted effects of threat and safety
Kelly Morrow, Murty Dinavahi, Jongwan Kim, Song-tao Song, Kesong Hu, Luiz Pessoa (2021),
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-22.
Sources of information waste in neuroimaging: mishandling structures, thinking dichotomously, and over-reducing data
Gang Chen, Paul A. Taylor, Joel Stoddard, Robert W. Cox, Peter A. Bandettini, Luiz Pessoa. (2021), BioRxiv.
Learning brain dynamics for decoding and predicting individual differences
Pessoa, L., Limbachia, C., Misra, J., Surampudi, S. G., Venkatesh, M., & Jaja, J. (2021), PLOS Computational Biolology.
2020 Publications
Capturing brain dynamics: latent spatiotemporal patterns predict stimuli and individual differences
Venkatesh, M., JaJa, J., Pessoa, L. (2020), BioRxiv.
Fighting or embracing multiplicity in neuroimaging? neighborhood leverage versus global calibration
Chen, G., Taylor, P. A., Cox, R. W., & Pessoa, L. (2020), NeuroImage.
Comparing functional connectivity matrices: A geometry-aware approach applied to participant identification
Venkatesh, M., Jaja, J., & Pessoa, L. (2020), Neuroimage.
Emotion in future intelligent machines
Belkaid, M., & Pessoa, L. (2020), ArXiv.
Neuropsychologia special issue editorial: The neural basis of emotion
Hamann, S., Pessoa, L., & Wager, T. D. (2020), Neuropsychologia.
Interactions between emotion and action in the brain
Lima Portugal, L. C., Alves, R. de, Junior, O. F., Sanchez, T. A., Mocaiber, I., Volchan, E., Smith Erthal, F., David, I. A., Kim, J., Oliveira, L., Padmala, S., Chen, G., Pessoa, L., & Pereira, M. G. (2020), NeuroImage.
2019 Publications
Neural architecture of the vertebrate brain: implications for the interaction between emotion and cognition
Pessoa, L., Medina, L., Hof, P., Desfilis, E. (2019), Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 107, 296-312.

Representational organization of novel task sets during proactive encoding
Palenciano, A., González-García, C., Arco, J., Pessoa, L., Ruz, M. (2019), The Journal of Neuroscience,
What drives prioritized visual processing? A motivational relevance account
Maratos, F., Pessoa, L. (2019), Progress in Brain Research, 247, 111-148.

An integrative Bayesian approach to matrix-based analysis in neuroimaging
Chen, G., Bürkner, P‐C., Taylor, P., …, Cox, R., Pessoa, L. (2019), Human Brain Mapping, 40, 4072– 4090.
Neural dynamics of emotion and cognition: from trajectories to underlying neural geometry
Pessoa, L. (2019), Neural Networks, 120, 158-166.
Commentary: Brain networks for emotion and cognition: Implications and tools for understanding mental disorders and pathophysiology
Luiz Pessoa (2019), Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Intelligent architectures for robotics: The merging of cognition and emotion
Pessoa, L. (2019), Physics of Life Reviews, 31, 157-170
Brain networks for emotion and cognition: Implications and tools for understanding mental disorders and pathophysiology
Pessoa, L. (2019), Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Embracing integration and complexity: placing emotion within a science of brain and behaviour
Pessoa, L. (2019), Cognition & Emotion, 33, 55-60.
Interactions between reward motivation and emotional processing. Progress in Brain Research
Padmala, S., Sambuco, N., Pessoa, L. (2019), Progress in Brain Research, 247, 1-21.
Dynamic threat processing
Meyer, C., Spadmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2019), Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31, 522-542.
2018 Publications
Information about peer choices shapes human risky decision-making
Tomova, L., Pessoa, L. (2018), Scientific Reports, 8.
Attentional capture by simultaneous pleasant and unpleasant emotional distractors
Padmala, S., Sambuco, N., Codispoti, M., Pessoa, L. (2018), Emotion, 8, 1189-1194.
LEICA: Laplacian eigenmaps for group ICA decomposition of fMRI data
Liu, C., JaJa, J., Pessoa, L. (2018), NeuroImage, 169, 363-373.
Emotion and the Interactive Brain: Insights From Comparative Neuroanatomy and Complex Systems
Pessoa, L. (2018), Emotion Review, 8, 204-216.

Robot cognition requires machines that both think and feel
Pessoa, L. (2018), Aeon.
Understanding emotion with brain networks
Pessoa, L. (2018), Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 19, 19-25.
Altered segregation between task-positive and task-negative regions in mild traumatic brain injury
Sours, C., Kinnison, J., Padmala, S., Gullapalli, R.P., Pessoa, L. (2018), Brain Imaging and Behavior, 12, 697-709.
2017 Publications

Cognitive-motivational interactions: Beyond boxes-and-arrows models of the mind-brain
Pessoa, L. (2017), Motivation Science, 3, 287-303.
Dynamics of intersubject brain networks during anxious anticipation
Najafi, M., Kinnison, J., Pessoa, L. (2017), Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Do Intelligent Robots Need Emotion?
Pessoa, L. (2017), Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21, 817-819.
Cognitive Control and Emotional Processing
Pessoa, L. (2017), The Wiley Handbook of Cognitive Control, 392-407.
Potential reward reduces the adverse impact of negative distractor stimuli
Padmala, S., Sirbu, M., Pessoa, L. (2017), Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12, 1402-1413.
A Network Model of the Emotional Brain
Pessoa, L. (2017), Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21, 357-371.
2016 Publications
Overlapping communities reveal rich structure in large-scale brain networks during rest and task conditions
Najafi, M., Mcmenamin, B.W., Pessoa, L. (2016), Neuroimage, 135, 92-106.
Dynamic networks in the emotional brain
Pessoa, L., McMenamin, B. (2016), Neuroscientist, 23, 383-396.
2015 Publications
An fMRI Pilot Study of Cognitive Reappraisal in Children: Divergent Effects on Brain and Behavior
Dougherty, L.R., Blankenship, S.L., Spechler, P.A., Padmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2015), Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 37, 634-644.
Complex-system causality in large-scale brain networks: Comment on “Foundational perspectives on causality in large-scale brain networks”
Pessoa, L., Najafi, M. (2015), M. Mannino and S.L. Bressler. Physics of Life Reviews, 15, 124-127.
Discovering networks altered by potential threat (“anxiety”) using quadratic discriminant analysis
McMenamin, B.W., Pessoa, L. (2015), Neuroimage, 116, 1-9.
Reward learning and negative emotion during rapid attentional competition
Yokoyama, T., Padmala, S., Pessoa L. (2015), Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 269.
The neurobiology of emotion-cognition interactions: fundamental questions and strategies for future research
Okon-Singer, H., Hendler, T., Pessoa, L., Shackman, A.J. (2015), Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 58.
Counteracting effect of threat on reward enhancements during working memory
Choi, J.M., Padmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2015), Cognition and Emotion, 29, 1517-1526.
Multiple influences of reward on perception and attention
Pessoa, L. (2015), Visual Cognition, 23, 272-290.
2014 Publications
Impact of appetitive and aversive outcomes on brain responses: Linking the animal and human literatures
Bissonette, G.B., Gentry R.N., Padmala S., Pessoa L., Roesch M.R. (2014), Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 8.
Précis of The Cognitive-Emotional Brain
Pessoa, L. (2014), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 38, 1-66.
Network organization unfolds over time during periods of anxious anticipation
McMenamin, B., Langeslag, S., Sirbu, M., Padmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2014), The Journal of Neuroscience, 34, 11261-11273.
Mechanisms of motivation-cognition interaction: challenges and opportunities
Braver, T.S., …………., Pessoa, L., Samanez-Larkin, G.R., Somerville, L.H. (2014), Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 14, 443-472.
Understanding brain networks and brain organization
Pessoa, L. (2014) Physics of Life Reviews, 11, 400-435.
Motivation versus aversive processing during perception
Padmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2014), Emotion, 14, 450-454.
2013 Publications
Beyond the Tripartite Cognition–Emotion–Interoception Model of the Human Insular Cortex
Uddin, L.Q., Kinnison, J., Pessoa, L., Anderson, M.L. (2013), Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26, 16-27.
Interactions between reward and threat during visual processing
Hu, K., Padmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2013), Neuropsychologia, 51, 1763-1772.
Pervasive competition between threat and reward in the brain
Choi, J.M., Padmala, S., Spechler, P., Pessoa, L. (2013), Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 51, 1763-1772.
Describing functional diversity of brain regions and brain networks
Anderson, M.L., Kinnison, J., Pessoa, L. (2013), NeuroImage, 73, 50-58.
2012 Publications
Beyond brain regions: Network perspective of cognition–emotion interactions
Pessoa, L. (2012), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35, 158-159.
Network analysis reveals increased integration during emotional and motivational processing
Kinnison, J., Padmala, S., Choi, J.M., Pessoa, L. (2012), The Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 8361-8372.
Impact of state anxiety on the interaction between threat monitoring and cognition
Choi, J.M., Padmala, S., Luiz Pessoa, L. (2012), Neuroimage, 59, 1912-1923.
Threat of Bodily Harm Has Opposing Effects on Cognition
Hu, K., Bauer, A., Padmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2012), Emotion, 12, 28-32.
Interactions between cognition and emotion during response inhibition.
Pessoa, L., Padmala, S., Kenzer, A., Bauer, A. (2012), Emotion, 12, 192-197.
2011 Publications
Negative Emotion Impairs Conflict-Driven Executive Control
Padmala, S., Bauer, A., Pessoa, L. (2011), Frontiers in Emotion Science, 2, 192.
Reward reduces conflict by enhancing attentional control and biasing visual cortical processing
Padmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2011), Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 3419-3432.
2010 Publications
Emergent processes in cognitive-emotional interactions
Pessoa, L. (2010), Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 12, 433-448.
Emotion processing and the amygdala: from a ‘low road’ to ‘many roads’ of evaluating biological significance
Pessoa, L., Adolphs, R. (2010), Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 11, 773-783.
Emotion and cognition and the amygdala: From "What is it?" to "What's to be done?"
Pessoa, L. (2010), Neuropsychologia, 48, 3416-3429.
Emotion and attention effects: Is it all a matter of timing? Not yet.
Pessoa L. (2010), Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 4, 172.
Pulvinar and affective significance: responses track moment-to-moment stimulus visibility
Padmala, S., Lim, S., Pessoa, L. (2010), Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 4, 64.
Embedding reward signals into perception and cognition
Pessoa L., Engelmann, J.B. (2010), Frontiers Neuroscience, 4, 17.
Moment-to-moment fluctuations in fMRI amplitude and inter-region coupling are predictive of inhibitory performance
Padmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2010), Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 10, 279-297.
Emotion affects action: Midcingulate cortex as a pivotal node of interaction between negative emotion and motor signals
Pereira, M.G., de Oliveira, L., Erthal, F.S., Joffily, M., Mocaiber, I.F., Volchan, E., Pessoa, L. (2010), Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 10, 94-106.
Attention and Emotion
Pessoa, L. (2010), Scholarpedia, 5, 6314.
Interactions between cognition and motivation during response inhibition
Padmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2010), Neuropsychologia, 48, 558-565.
2009 Publications
Segregating the significant from the mundane on a moment-to-moment basis via direct and indirect amygdala contributions
Lim, S., Padmala, S., Pessoa L. (2009), Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 16841-16846.
Affective learning enhances activity and functional connectivity in early visual cortex
Damaraju, E., Huang, Y.M., Barrett, L.F., Pessoa, L. (2009), Neuropsychologia, 47, 2480-2487.
How do emotion and motivation direct executive control?
Pessoa L. (2009), Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13, 160-166.
Combined effects of attention and motivation on visual task performance: transient and sustained motivational effects
Engelmann, J.B., Damaraju, E., Padmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2009), Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 3, 4.
Ungerleider LG. Individual differences in valence modulation of face-selective M170 response
Japee, S., Crocker, L., Carver, F., Pessoa, L. (2009), Emotion, 9, 59-69.
The prefrontal cortex and the executive control of attention
Rossi, A.F., Pessoa, L., Desimone, R., Ungerleider, L.G. (2009), Experimental Brain Research, 192, 489-497.
Attentional control during the transient updating of cue information
Pessoa, L., Rossi, A., Japee, S., Desimone, R., Ungerleider, L.G. (2009), Brain Research, 1247, 149-158.
2008 Publications

What and where pathways
Engerleider, L.G., Pessoa, L. (2008), Scholarpedia, 3, 5342.
Affective learning increases sensitivity to graded emotional faces
Lim, S., Pessoa L. (2008), Emotion, 8, 96-103.
Depth of facial expression processing depends on stimulus visibility: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence of priming effects
Hsu, S., Hetrick, W.P., Pessoa, L. (2008), Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 282-292.
Affective learning enhances visual detection and responses in primary visual cortex
Padmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2008), Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 6202-6210.
On the relationship between emotion and cognition
Pessoa, L. (2008), Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 9, 148-158.
Affective learning modulates spatial competition during low-load conditions
Lim, S., Padmala, S., Pessoa, L. (2008), Neuropsychologia, 46, 1267-1278.
2007 Publications
Bihemispheric Leftward Bias in a Visuospatial Attention- Related Network
Siman-Tov, T., Mendelsohn, A., Schonberg, T., Avidan, G., Podlipsky, I., Pessoa, L. (2007) Gadoth N, Ungerleider LG, Hendler T. The Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 11271-11278.
Dissociable effects of bottom-up and top-down factors in the processing of unattended fearful faces
Hsu, S., Pessoa, L. (2007), Neuropsychologia, 45, 3075-3086.
Modulation of emotion by cognition and cognition by emotion
Blair, K.S., Smith, B.W., Mitchell, D.G., Morton, J., Vythilingam, M., Pessoa, L., Fridberg, D., Zametkin, A., Sturman, D., Nelson, E.E., Drevets, W.C., Pine, D.S., Martin, A., Blair, R.J. (2007), Neuroimage, 35, 430-440.

Motivation sharpens exogenous spatial attention
Engelmann, J., Pessoa, L. (2007), Emotion, 7, 668-674.
Neural correlates of perceptual choice and decision making in Fear-Disgust discrimination
Thielscher, A., Pessoa, L. (2007), The Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 2908-2917.
Fear perception: Can objective and subjective awareness measures be dissociated?
Szczepanowski, R., Pessoa, L. (2007), Journal of Vision.
Decoding near-threshold perception of fear from distributed single-trial brain activation
Pessoa, L., Padmala, S. (2007), Cerebral Cortex.
2006 Publications
Sustained and transient modulation of performance induced by emotional picture viewing
Pereira, M.G., Volchan, E., de Souza, G.G., Oliveira, L., Campagnoli, R., Pinheiro, W.W., & Pessoa, L. (2006), Emotion, 6, 622-634. .
Target visibility and visual awareness modulate amygdala responses to fearful faces
Pessoa, L., Japee, S., Sturman, D., Ungerleider, L.G. (2006), Cerebral Cortex, 16, 366-375.
2005 Publications
Load-dependent modulation of affective picture processing
Erthal, F.S., De Oliveira, L., Mocaiber, I., Pereira, M.G., Machado-Pinheiro, W., Volchan, E., & Pessoa, L. (2005), Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 5, 388-395.
Fate of the unattended fearful faces in the amygdala is determined by both attentional resources and cognitive modulation
Pessoa, L., Padmala, S., Morland, T. (2005), NeuroImage, 28, 249-255.
Quantitative prediction of perceptual decisions during near-threshold fear detection
Pessoa, L., Padmala, S. (2005), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102, 5612-5617.
To what extent are emotional stimuli processed without attention and awareness?
Pessoa, L. (2005), Current Opinion of Neurobiology, 15, 188-196..
Visual attention and emotional perception
Pessoa, L., Ungerleider, L.G. (2005), Neurobiology of Attention.
Visual awareness and the detection of fearful faces
Pessoa, L., Japee, S., Ungerleider, L.G. (2005), Emotion, 5, 243-247.
2004 Publications
Top-down mechanisms for working memory and attentional processes
Pessoa, L., Ungerleider, L.G. (2004), The New Cognitive Neurosciences, 919-830.
Neuroimaging studies of attention and the processing of emotion-laden stimuli
Pessoa, L., Ungerleider, L.G. (2004), Progress in Brain Research, 144, 171-82.
Repetition suppression of faces is modulated by emotion
Ishai, A., Pessoa, L., Bikle, C., Ungerleider, L.G. (2004), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101, 9827-9832.
Neural correlates of change detection and change blindness in visual working memory.
Pessoa, L., Ungerleider, L.G. (2004), Cerebral Cortex, 14, 511-520.
2003 Publications
Neuroimaging studies of attention: From modulation of sensory processing to top-down control
Pessoa, L. , Kastner, S., & Ungerleider, L.G. (2003), Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 3990-3998. .
Contributions of stimulus valence and arousal to visual system activation during emotional perception fMRI
Mourão-Miranda, J., Volchan, E., Moll, J., de Oliveira-Souza, R., Oliveira, L., Bramati, I., Gattass, R., & Pessoa, L. (2003), Neuroimage , 20, 1955-1963. .
2002 Publications
Neural correlates of visual working memory: fMRI amplitude predicts task performance
Pessoa, L. , Gutierrez, E., Bandettini, P.B., & Ungerleider, L.G (2002), Neuron, 35, 975-987. .
Neural processing of emotional faces requires attention
Pessoa, L. , McKenna, M., Gutierrez, E., & Ungerleider, L.G (2002), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 99, 11458-11463. .
Contour integration in the primary visual cortex of the opossum
Oliveira, L., Volchan, E., Pessoa, L. , Marques, R.F., Pantoja, J.H.; Joffily, M., Souza-Neto, D., & Rocha-Miranda, C.E (2002), NeuroReport, 13, 2001-2004..
Attentional control of the processing of neutral and emotional stimuli
Pessoa, L. , Kastner, S., & Ungerleider. L.G (2002), Cognitive Brain Research, 15, 31-45. .
1995-2001 Publications
Visual filling-in for computing perceptual surface properties
Neumann, H., Pessoa, L. , & Hansen, T (2001), Biological Cybernetics, 85, 355-369..
Beyond the grand illusion: what change blindness really teaches us about vision
Noë A, Pessoa L. & Thompson, E. (2000), Visual Cognition, 7, 93-106. .
Lightness from contrast: A selective integration model
Author aRoss, W., & Pessoa, L. (2000), Perception & Psychophysics, 62, 1160-1181.. nd Publication Information
Attentional strategies for object recognition
Pessoa, L. , Exel, S. (1999), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1606, 850-859..
Interaction of ON and OFF pathways for visual contrast measurement
Neumann, H., Pessoa, L. , & Hansen, T. (1999), Biological Cybernetics, 81, 515-32..
Complex cell prototype representation for face recognition
Pessoa, L. & Leitão, AP (1999), IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 10, 1528-1531..
A neural network architecture of brightness perception: Non-linear contrast detection and geometry-driven diffusion
Neumann, H., Pessoa, L. , & Mingolla, E. (1998), Image and Vision Computing, 16, 423-446..
Texture segregation, surface representation, and figure-ground separation
Grossberg, S., & Pessoa, L. (1998), Vision Research, 38, 2657-2684..
Finding out about filling-in: A guide to perceptual completion for visual science and the philosophy of perception
Pessoa, L. , Thompson, E., & Noë, A. (1998), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 21, 65-144. .
The perception of lightness in 3-D curved objects
Pessoa, L. , Mingolla, E., & Arend, L. (1996), Perception & Psychophysics, 58, 1293-1305..
Perceived texture segregation in chromatic element-arrangement patterns: High intensity interference
Pessoa, L. , Beck, J., & Mingolla, E. (1996), Vision Research, 36, 1745-1760..
Mach band attenuation by adjacent stimuli: experiment and filling-in simulations
Pessoa, L. (1996), Perception, 25, 425-442..
Mach bands: How many models are possible? Recent experimental findings and modeling attempts
Pessoa, L. (1996), Vision Research, 36, 3205-3227.. erception, 25, 425-442..
A contrast- and luminance-driven multiscale network model of brightness perception
Pessoa, L. , Mingolla, E., and Neumann, H. (1995), Vision Research, 35, 2201-2223..
A Simple Cell Model with Multiple Spatial Frequeny Selectivity and Linear?Non-lear Response Properties
Neumann, Heiko. Pessoa, Luiz (1994)